syntagma group 2021 the year of #worklifebalance

2021: The Year of #WorkLifeBalance

As hiring managers prepare for a new business year, data strongly suggests many will see a stronger relationship between productivity and worker well-being in 2021. Why? Well, because more creative employment models will be entering the job market.

In 2021, a growing number of in-demand talent will opt to either work less or work smarter in 2021. Their previous job hindrances such as an unreasonably long commute or an unfulfilling career path will be so 2020 come next year.

This hot trend in recruitment and hiring is called “work-life balance” and data indicates many US companies are getting low grades. Check out the graphic below to realize how United States and other countries get a D grade or worse.

2021 Opportunities and Risk

Keep in mind, the point is not to place the USA in the corner with a dunce cap or toss a scarlet letter on it. The point is there’s little work-life balance in the US and the opportunity to rebalance is underway. This is great news for workers! However, what risks will companies face if caught flat footed?

According to a recent article, as more and more employers realize well-being is a growing concern among workers, these related trends will likely gain traction in 2021.  

Top 3 Employee Trends

  1. Employer Support. Today’s workers want employers to support more flexible hours, remote work and the career path development program that includes with training classes and regular feedback.  
  2. Employer Stability. Key aspects of a workers life are now top of mind for workers and thus should be for their employer such as reliable employment, mind/body health program, a solid financial foundation. 
  3. Employer Satisfaction. Workers want to feel satisfied with the way their employer operates as a contributing member of society. They want a personal and social purpose and expect to be updated and acknowledged throughout the process. 

Top 3 Employer Trends 

  1. Flex wages. The gig economy, tech and the pandemic created a perfect storm of new employment models as more workers can now dictate their terms and cash flows. Employers outside of the gig workforce are going to be expected to support this funding capability.
  2. Concierge Health Care: Worker behaviors have changed in this uber-ized service economy. Today, new concierge service models provide on-demand medical care. The key to driving down the increasing cost of health care for both employers and employees is efficiency, access, knowledge, and cost control mechanisms.
  3. Career & Child Care. The pandemic has decimated childcare and k-12 educational systems across the globe. Employers going beyond financial support and providing an infrastructure to offer career and child care for employees and their families will find themselves in a premium benefit tier.

Upcoming Live Webinar

In an upcoming post we’ll tease our live 60-minute webinar on January 11th from 11:00am to 12:00pm EST. The webinar is titled “Moneyball Recruiting – The Next Big Thing in Hiring”. This webinar is designed for hiring managers and HR professionals looking for better ways to recruit and hire top talent in 2021.

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