slow and steady is not winning the hiring race

Who’s Winning The Hiring Race in 2022?

Is it time to consider “Rapid Hiring” or will slow and steady remain your HR team’s hiring pace? Well, there’s one company that’s given up on the slow and steady path and that’s Home Depot. With plans to onboard 100,000 new employees this spring, Home Depot is making job offers nearly on the spot.

So how’s Home Depot and other companies big and small accelerating their hiring? They’re using a combination of speed, simplicity and substance. In the case of Home Depot the speed and simplicity can be found in the use of text messages. The substance can be found in the artificial intelligence used for background checks to qualify applicants.

Other industries might want to follow suit. Take, for example, the world of Business Management Consulting. Traditionally, slow and steady has been the general consensus for this industry’s hiring life cycle. However, will this proven approach still win the top candidates in 2022 and beyond? Likely not. Especially with labor shortages hitting the industry just as demand for new hires continues to grow. Could a quicker approach to hiring be on the horizon? All signs point to yes!